Last Thursday and Friday the Bonn Salon took place for the third time since 2017. Motivated by the idea of strengthening Christian development NGOs in their special character and providing inspiring impulses, the programme of the Leadership Conference was oriented towards current topics and was designed by several speakers.
Under the dynamic theme “World in Motion – Mission in Motion – Theology in Motion”, practical inputs were presented which encouraged participants to think critically and reflect on their leadership tasks and strategies.
On the basis of personal stories, Dr. Ahmed Zanya Bugre (Special Representative of the African Union for Migration) presented in the first forum the trends/fundamental changes for which we as individuals as well as organizations must first open our eyes. In doing so, he particularly addressed the topic of migration.
Afterwards, Dr. Andreas Förster (Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development) and Rolf Zwick (Chairman of the Board Micha Deutschland) gave an insight into current mega-trends, such as digitalization and intercultural communication, and their impact on organizations as well as our possible effects on them.
In a third thematic block Julia Garschagen (Zacharias Institute for Science, Culture and Faith) rounded off the conference. Her impulse was directed towards the vocation to be salt and light and to give practical hope, meaning and peace also in the follow-up to the conference.