How well does my organization communicate with (prospective) donors?

Exemplary analytical questions:

  • What (quality of) information can donors obtain on the organization’s website?
  • To what extent is it easy / hard for a (prospective) donor to (personally) get in touch with the organization?
  • What is the response time upon requests from (prospective) donors?
  • Does the organization present itself coherently and consistently in public considering all communication channels used?

Benefit: conclusions and recommendations for action in the fields of fundraising, public relations / communications and donor support

Fundraising – Management – Communication

prop.: Matthias K. Boehning (Dipl.-Oec.), Consultant Economist


Reuterstrasse 116
D-53129 Bonn/Germany


+49 (0) 228 – 30 42 636 – 0


No. 1, Onyasia Lane
Roman Ridge, Accra - Ghana
Digital Address: GA-088-2217